Friday, August 12, 2011

popcorn and gum at the same time is NOT a good idea

I remember when I was in college and I had to take economics....twice. I didnt get it the first time or the second time. I am pretty sure that is where my distaste for anything "economic-y" and Lonesome Dove came in to play. I remember thinking "I will NEVER use this why do I have to take this class?" I also remember thinking that about......almost all of my high school classes. Yep I was a naive brat. The pillow case sewing skills I learned in home-ec have come in very handy. Anyhow back to my point....wait did I have one?.....oh ya. Even though I dont remember how to do the stupid graphs and charts I learned in economics I did learn that rewriting your college notes 5 times because you got a smudge on them, will help you pass a class that is completely over your head......barley.

I'm old now. I get that. And I am going to embrace it....someday. Baby steps. In the meantime I am thankful that I am old because I have learned soooooo much just by getting old, and a lot of trial and error. Emphasis on the error. For instance did you know that if you smack the bones that stick out on the side of your elbow together it hurts BAD. I tried it, and cried. Did you also know that eating a whole HUGE bag of sweedish fish in one evening WILL make you puke. No need to try it for you self, I took one for the team on that one, its not a myth. So I work with the Young Women in our ward and many times I have wanted to shake them and tell them just what to do cause I've "been there". Dont date just one person in high school you will miss out on sooo much, dont stand people up on dates cause when Karma comes back and bites you it doesnt feel good. You will always feel better about doing the right thing, even if its hard. Things can always get worse, and chances are the person next to you has it worse, so be thankful for what you have always! Relax and let things roll off your back, it is always better to forgive then to harbor. Laugh, a lot you will need it. Always be nice to everyone because someday the girl you were horrible to in high school could be the one person in control of how much and when you get your pain meds when you get your appendix out. Karma. Its a.........real mean deal. 

No idea where I was going with this but I had a quiet minute.....which is weird.....oh crud where are the boys ;)

Oh and last but least....just because its "in style" does NOT mean its a good idea. For example: Ski Slope Bangs.


Becky said...

Aaaww, I love the ski slope bangs. You look so cute! As far as what to tell your girls, I don't know. Just because there are so many things to say. I've said, "Just trust me, just trust me." I've been there before. Who was your med nurse? That made me laugh out loud.

Jem said...

I think ski slope bangs are going to make a comeback. Havent you seen Katie Perrys new video? I hope the girls listen to you, but, chances are, they will have to have karma bite them once or twice before they actually catch on.