Well 2012 has been crazy and it's only the 10th of January. So far:
We stayed up til mdnight and rang in the new year.
Camden decided to scare us all and spend the night at the hospital with pneumonia. And also got his first ride in an Ambulance from the ER to the pediatric department at the old hospital.
Camden decided to crawl! It's so fun to watch him explore new things.
Anthon got the nasty stomach bug.....then Noah got it......then both Camden and I got it (at he same time) and now Dan has it.....it's been really fun.
In other news I have made a new goal To be a better blogger. I realized recently how beneficial it is in remembering things, but it does no good if I haven't blogged about anything. So here's to being a better blogger and to finishing January better then we started!
I am so sorry everything went crazy this month! I hope all is well now!
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