Friday, March 23, 2012

Today is beautiful

I had my moment...okay days of moments but have since told myself to put back on my big girl panties and knock it off already. So here is me "knocking it off":
*We played outside today because it's perfect outside today.
*i folded and put away the mountainous basket of laundry
*I VERY CAUTIOUSLY took Camden out to watch Noah's soccer game yesterday, old man oxygen tank and all
*i bought an apple pie so I could eat it for dinner last night....and I did
*Ive lost 14 pounds since January 1st despite eating pie for dinner :)
*in 84 days we will be embarking on a week in California complete with cousins grandpa and grandma E, Disneyland, baseball games, chicken dinner, and fun fun fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you Amy. We need to see each other!! You have been in my thoughts!