Monday, June 27, 2011

In the words of Biz Markie....

"Oh baby youuuuu, you got what I neeeeeed...."

1 house
2 fish
(may they rest in peace)
3 little boys
4 states
(im counting utah twice cause lets be honest southern utah and northern utah are about as opposite as you can get) 
5 apartments
6 cars
7 anniversaries with kids
8 years being an Ernstrom!

8 years ago today Dan was late.....he is still usually late. 8 years ago today I was craving Mcdonalds....i am still usually craving mcdonalds. 8 years ago today Dan's soda exploded all over my wedding dress....i sill hate soda. 8 years ago today married my best friend....he's still my best friend...... Holy shnikies its been 8 years?!


Fielding Family said...

Congratulations! That is awesome!

Jem said...

You guys are the best! Congrats!

Joleen Rowley said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!

Kevin and Heather said...


emandtrev said...

I love it! You guys are such a great couple! Happy Anniversary to you!

Keeping up with the Joneses said...

Happy anni a little while back! I hope you don't mind but I was going to copy this layout for my anni blog post. Of course not the same coke spilling on the wedding dress etc....that really happened?! poor dress :)but you know what they say...Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!