Sunday, July 17, 2011

We love fun

We are back. 14 days in Cache Valley and my kids are still begging to go back daily. Its an ongoing joke in our family that every time we go to Cache Valley one or all of my kids get sick. This time they decided to shake things up a bit....nobody got sick....but we did come home with 1 broken arm, 1 chipped tooth, and one sunburned infant (yes I know I get mother of the year).

We played with cousins and occasionally fought with cousins

Met baby Sam, loved on baby sam, and awed at baby Sam

Helped the stauffy's with yard beautification

Watched a movie on Mickey Mouse.

Spent time at the Bear Lake cabin

celebrated Whit's graduation

Went to Willow Zoo....lets be honest its not really a zoo, its a Duck sanctuary.

And hit up Chuckee Cheese's on the way home

Oh and Noah found some of Dan's old shoes that he wore when he was a kid. They are pink, about 2 sizes to big, and he refuses to wear anything BUT these shoes, and who am I to deny a kid the love of pink high tops.

Now we are home, everyone has the post-vacation crankies, except Camden, he is actually fabulously happy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We all love Willow Zoo!!