Sunday, August 21, 2011

1 week down...kind of a lot more to go.

We made it through the first week of school! Anthon thinks school is really long, loves that he has 3 recesses, and thinks its way cool that he only has to wait 2 hours for dad to get home after he gets home from school. Noah does NOT think its cool that Anthon has school all day, doesnt think I play trains as well as Anthon, is waaaayyyyy less picky about what we have for lunch than Anthon. Camden decided that since he has a brother that is in 1st grade its time to start eating rice cereal like a big kid, he loves it. And mom....I have decided that whoever invented 6 hours of school has never had a 3 year old asking every 10 minutes "how many more minutes till Anthon comes home." All in all the week went well, now bring on week 2.

1 comment:

Ellis family said...

School doesn't start here for two more weeks, but I will have 3 kids gone, with one VERY lonely 2 and 1/2 year old. Oh and school is a little over 7 hours long. HELP