Monday, September 12, 2011

If you build it they will they I mean you!

ever since my first child was born, almost 7 years ago, I have been dreaming of 2 things: 1) The days I could jump on the trampoline without peeing my pants and 2) a big grassy backyard! I gave up on the jumping on the trampoline dream after child number 2.....and child number 3.....but alas the backyard dream is finally here!! Best day ever!! It looks awesome, it feels awesome, and by golly its just awesome!!

Step 1: Dig the trenches

 Step 2: Install the sprinklers

Step 3: Put in the curbing 

Step 4: Put in the Sod

Step 5: Decorative Rock around edges and Pillow chips in soon to be play area 

To come: Trampoline, playset, and sandbox- oh and I am totally making the sandbox. Its gonna be rad! Yes I just said that.........totally RAD!

Thats all for now, I think I will get myself a tall glass of ice-water a cruddy gossip magazine and go chill in my fabulous backyard and enjoy our fabulously RAD weather.

I have waited a verrrrrrrrrrrry long time for this, just let me have my moment :)

1 comment:

emandtrev said...

You should definitely enjoy your moment! It looks amazingly rad. :) Congrats!