Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lil C

The bad news is that we have had a rough few months, emotionally for all of us and physically for Camden. But the good news is we have answers, we have a "step 1" and we are moving forward instead of chasing our own tails. I am so thankful for the sweet sweet spirit that told me that something was wrong, despite what the first doctor was telling us. My testimony grew so much throughout all of this, as emotional as it was it has also been a testimony to me of the power and Love of our Father in Heavan and he TRULY is guiding us if we let him. It was the first time since my college dating years that the spirit was screaming at me that something was wrong, I am thankful that Dan and I listened and that we could hear it.

I promise to eventually return all of the wonderful phone messages, emails, texts, and facebook messages I have recieved. We are all still trying to adjust and life is still chaotic but know I have not just brushed them aside. The love is truly overwhelming and I thank you all  for your love and support through all of this. It is very humbling to feel the outpouring of love that everyone has given our little family. Your little acts of kindness and kind words do not go un-noticed. It means a lot, so thank you all. I am not sure how any of us could emotionally have made it through this ordeal this far without all of your prayers, they are felt.

Here is the Camden-Primary Chidrens Update.

After 3 seperate hospital visits, what seems like a million doctor visits, a 5 day primary childrens hospital stay, turning 1 in the hospital, 3 chest xrays, numerous nasal swabs and suctions, an echocardiogram, 2 ct scans, swallowing study, bronchoscopy, oxygen study, lung cultures, blood work, sweat test, and both arms and feet poked for a iv line we have a plan.

Camden has intralobar pulmonary sequestration in right lower lung. Its an exta piece of tissue that is taking part of the blood from the rest of his lung, it is causing low oxygen levels, poor growth and retracting in lungs and abdomin.

The pulmonary team, the surgical team, the radiology team, and the pediatrician team gave us 3 options.

Option 1- Surgically open his chest cavity up and do surgery. It is a high risk due to his age and weight. (He only weighs 17 pounds)
Option 2- They surgically inject a medicine into vessel to plug it, problem is as the part of the lung dies theres a high risk of pneumonia.

Option 3- Send him home on 24/7 Oxygen and see if the full time oxygen will help him develop lungs more fully and gain some weight. Then after month come back to see if 24/7 oxygen has helped.

The team at primary childrens suggest option 3 before jumping into surgery. For a few reasons. His weight, size, lung development. they said what he has is rare, They see this less than 10 times a year in what they said is the "quad state area".

We chose option 3. full time oxygen for a month then come back.

So we came home Sunday. things are going good. We are all just trying to get use to the oxygen and not being able to have visitors. Me and the boys wont be going to church for this month, and Noah is also staying home from preschool for this month. Per the Doctor we need to do everything we can to keep camden from getting sick. Which means we need to limit our germy contact. So for a month we will be a little bit recluse and non-existant to the outside world (i am letting the boys still play soccer because everyone needs an out). Ill probablly take up baking or sewing things.....ok lets be honest thats really not going to happen, but I will probablly have a super clean house and be really good at Suduko and Draw Some.  Thanks to everyone for your kind words and prayers. We love you all more then ever before!!

Love- Amy, Dan, Anthon, Noah, and Camden.


Dover Fam said...

What a sweet little boy. You guys are amazing and I just LOVE you to pieces! We, here at the Dover house, will continue to pray for your family. Hugs.

Keeping up with the Joneses said...

Ohhh sweet baby boy!!! Poor ill guy! He is so so cute in his hospital threads. I will be praying for a speedy recovery for Iil C. My heart goes out to you and your darling family. You will be in my thoughts and prayers!

Julianne Howes said...

What a sweet little angel boy! I'll be praying for you that the oxygen therapy works and he won't need surgery. Stay strong and get some good movies to keep you all busy when you're at home. I can relate to the oxygen and not going anywhere- and it's so worth it in the end so they don't get sick. We'll keep you in our prayers and watch for updates for little Camden.

Joleen Rowley said...

Poor little guy!!! I hope that he gets better soon. You guys will be in our prayers.

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

your whole family is so amazing and i am so thankful that you have little camden back home! what a sweet sweet smile he has! i hope he continues to get better!

emandtrev said...

What a sweet boy. I'm so glad you finally have some answers. My prayers are with you and yours that little C will continue to recover and be back to his happy little self. Hugs!