Saturday, July 14, 2012

the buzz... pun intended.

We found this in the tree in our front yard....
Yes I hyperventilated. Luckily we have fabulous friends who love bees and wanted them. As we are laying in bed the night of the discovery (before the removal of course) Dan proceeds to say "what if there was a hive of bees in our attack and they got in the vent system and thousands of bees started swarming out of the vents?" he almost had to sleep on the couch except if I sent him out and it actually DID happen I would be on my own, so alas he was able to stay, even though the words "maybe they are killer bees" came out of his mouth

In happy news IT RAINED!!! I totally forgot what rain smelled like, it's awesome!

And just because he is cute, one of Lil C for your viewing pleasure. I call this his "I don't have time for your picture lady" face

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