Thursday, July 5, 2012

Disneyland Vacation: The arrival day & Beach day

It was fun, so much fun it was actually exhausting. I was truley exhausted. But man oh man did we ever have fun. We drove Friday night to vegas and stayed overnight (dont judge, we have one person in our car who is not a good natured travelor...its me). Then we woke up and headed to Cali on saturday to meet the rest of the fam. We swam, and swam, and swam, and just enjoyed being with cousins *oh fyi: this trip was a 60th birthday celebration trip for Dan's Dad, so the whole family was there, all 18 of us, and it was AWESOME!*

Sunday we went to church and then watched an amazing video the Stauffys put together for grandpa's Birthday. We had a fun time giving Dad his gifts and wishing him a happy Dads day, then we headed to the beach. Ok.....the Beach.... lets be honest, we all know I am very overprotective of my kids, mix that with my anxiety attacks and my heightened anxiety around water and you get a total freak watching her kids at the beach. Yep that'd be me. I thought I lost Noah. Literally the WORST 50 seconds of my life. I thought I was going to throw up. All of the worse case scenarios flashed before my eyes. I found him (obvioulsy) he was just checking out the sand a few yards away. Sigh. The kids loved the Ocean, and the sand. I even witnessed an awesome observation by my amazing 9 year old niece who mentioned how uncomfortable it is to her to see people with hardly any clothes on (i seriously saw more boobs on that beach then I have in my lifetime, and I even have my own).

There was a guy outside the hotel with this bird. Of course we got suckered into paying him 3 bucks to take a picture with the bird. It was cool, and hey we are on vacation.

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