Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Its been 3 days

We have been home for a full 3 days now. Today Noah became the first person to trip over the 60 foot long oxygen tubing. He hit the wall...hard. It's sad when C gets his tubing wrapped around a chair and gets stopped....more like face stretched right in his tracks. We are all learning, and dealing, and trying to find fun in reclusiveness. I'm still sad my baby isn't well, I'm sad there is nothing I can do to fix it, I'm sad that he is the same weight as my friends 6 month old, I'm sad, and it's ok that I'm sad. I get to be sad, for a little bit. I'm Giving us this month to wallow in self pity, that's all, one month. Cause the fact is my kid WILL get better, he isn't deathly I'll, he WILL grow, he WILL be able to breathe normally someday. But right now in this moment I'm letting myself be sad.....but the sugar cookie helps.

Lil C trying his first sugar cookie.....loved it!

Now that you have suffered through my horribly depressing self pity-ness... Check out this Draw Some drawing I did, oh yea I've got some mad skills!


JKBKR said...


This is Kristen (Mathews) Reams- I pull up your blog every once in a while to see your cute kids and just saw what's going on. I just want to let you know that I'm thinking of you and that your family will be in our prayers. I don't think there is anything worse as a mother than having something happen with one of your sweet babies. We had a little chunk of time in the NICU after my last baby was born with some lung problems and it was rough- I can relate. It was a hard experience, but I am amazed at how much I learned from it and how much more I cherish and love my kids because of it. I'm so glad that you have a plan for your cutie little guy- I know that Heavenly Father takes care of his little ones and the mommies, too :) Sooner than later this will all be just a memory. Hope things go well for you :) And, I even knew that your awesome drawing was of Lady Gaga in her meat dress or whatever it was. You do have some mad skills.

Cam and Hol said...

Amy! Camden is SO STINKIN CUTE!!! Holy Moly!! What an angel! You have prayers from the Wright family!! We are so sorry you have to go through this. We love you and know that little guy is going to conquer this!!!!! What a babe!

Jem said...

I give you permission to wallow but I know it wont even last the month because you and Dan are so strong. I wont tell you how cute Camden is or what an awesome artist you are either, cause I know you are already aware of that. When youre done being a recluse, please come visit.